Matteo Scotto
Matteo Scotto holds a Master in European Governance and Regulation at the Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI) of Bonn. He previously studied European languages and international relations in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the United States.
He is now a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Bonn and fellow of the research project RUB-Europadialoge at the University of Bochum, financed by the Mercator Foundation. His work focuses on the understanding the new rationale of Transatlantic Relation in the XXI Century. He worked two and half years at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), a national agency of the institutions of higher education in Germany in Bonn serving in the European Department.
He currently works as Junior Fellow at the German-Italian Centre for European Excellence Villa Vigoni, an institution founded by the German Federal Republic and the Italian Republic with the aim of fostering Italian-German relations in a European context.

Research Fellow
+39 0344 361 212
- From EU citizenship to ideas on Europe: European citizens or cives mundi?, Why Europe?, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, März 2017.
- The consequences of Brexit for TTIP, Future of Europe Observer, Vol 4 No. 3, November 2016.
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). An Insight into its Transatlantic Relations and Global Context, ZEI Discussion Paper C 238, Mai 2017.
- Rewriting the rules: the consequences of TTIP on global trade, ZEI Insight No. 22, Mai 2015.
- Transatlantic Trade Investment and Partnership: private property or common destiny?, ZEI Insight No. 4, Dezember 2014.
- (with Nikola Veselinovic and Seydi Ababacar Diop) Energy Union: Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, ZEI Future of Europe Observer, Vol. 3 No. 1., Januar 2015.
- (et al.), Mit Herz und Verstand für Europa. Formen politischer Teilhabe und Gestaltung für junge Bürger in Europa, Villa Vigoni Database, November 2012.