Alumni Careers
One program; opening many doors.
Since the start of the program in 1998/99, more than 535 fellows have successfully graduated with a Master of European Studies. The range of organizations and companies that recruit ZEI graduates is far reaching as they have diverse backgrounds and skills. The uniting factor is their expert understanding of the European Union and how it functions, both theoretically and practically and their ability to thrive in international environments.
ZEI alumni work in various sectors including:
- EU institutions
- International organizations
- National government administrations
- Political affairs and lobby groups
- NGOs
- Academia
- and in the private sector, helping companies to navigate EU affairs.
The University of Bonn is the top ranked German University for graduates who go on to high level careers in the European Institutions.
Where are they now?
We keep in touch with our alumni and proudly track their career paths.
As our students and their backgrounds are diverse, representing the transdisciplinary nature of the program, so too are their future careers.
This chart shows the various fields in which ZEI Alumi have chosen to pursue their careers and find success.
Read about the experiences of our Alumni here.
ZEI Alumni Network
With Alumni all over the world and in diverse fields of work, the ZEI Alumni Network connects our former, current and future students, for the benefit of everyone. Upon the initiative of ZEI Alumni a LinkedIn Alumni Group was established.
If you are a ZEI Alumni or a current student who is not yet a member of this useful network please follow the link below to join.
Alumni Contributions
We love to hear from our Alumni!
ZEI Alumni are warmly welcome to contribute to our current master program and research work by:
- contribute to our publications,
- present a Europe Dialogue,
- hold a presentation during one of our field trips to Brussels, Luxembourg or Berlin
- connecting with the current students and sharing your experiences and knowledge.
We also are happy to hear about any career changes and if you have an updated email address.
20 Years of Graduates
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Master of European Studies, it was a pleasure to host the ZEI Alumni Network Reunion on Saturday, 30 June 2018 in Bonn. Former ZEI students travelled from all over the world to attend and reconnect with old friends and meet the current students and other ZEI alumni.
With a preface by Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission - on the 20th anniversary of the “ZEI Master of European Studies – Governance and Regulation” our jubilee brochure 'Opening Doors 1998 - 2018' celebrated our Alumni and provides information on the ZEI Alumni Network.