Daniel René Jung
In 2012, Daniel René Jung began his academic journey by selecting the interdisciplinary subject ‘Social Sciences’ at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen as the focal point of his undergraduate studies. There, he worked for various lecturers in the field of empirical social research as a student assistant and tutor. His bachelor thesis was titled 'German Natural Gas Policy: Between European Networking, Geostrategy and Sustainability'.
After his three-year undergraduate studies, Daniel René Jung took up the master's program 'Political Science' at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Bonn. On account of his affinity for Europe and as part of the ERASMUS study abroad program, he decided to spend one year at the Latvian Rīga Stradiņš University. His graduate studies ended with the final thesis on 'The refugee policy of Angela Merkel's government: background and effects', which was supervised by Prof. Xuewu Gu.
This meaningful research work is the driving force behind Daniel René Jung seeking his doctorate degree with Prof. Ludger Kühnhardt at ZEI of the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelm Universität Bonn. His doctoral project focusses on the current meaning controversies surrounding the European concept of solidarity in asylum policy. Recently, he co-edited a ZEI Discussion Paper on ‘Corona and the Constitution of Europe’, to which he contributed with an analysis about ‘Solidarity in the EU’.

Research Fellow
+49-(0)228 / 73-1810