Priority 5: A stronger global actor
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Juncker Commission 2014-2019
Priority 3: Economic and Monetary Union
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Juncker Commission 2014-2019
Priority 6: A New Push for European Democracy
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024
Priority 2: Energy Union and Climate
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Juncker Commission 2014-2019
Priority 1: Jobs, Growth and Investment
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Juncker Commission 2014-2019
Priority 5: Promoting our European Way of Life
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024
Priority 4: A Stronger Europe in the World
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024
Priority 3: An Economy that Works for People
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024
Priority 2: A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024
Priority 1: A European Green Deal
The second priority of the von der Leyen Commission - A Europe fit for the Digital Age
Located in
ZEI Monitor: Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024